  • 我的观影记录

  Alan Rudolph's "The Moderns" is a wonderful, funny and twisted film set in 1920's Paris, France. The front burner story is a triangle between Nick, his runaway wife and a cold as ice businessman that wants to obtain a higher social status. Nick(Keith Carradine)and Rachel(Linda Fiorentino)were married years ago and she bails out of the marriage. Years later, she shows up on the arms of Bertram Stone (John Lone). While he deals with her reappearance, he is also talked into making art forgeries by a rather shady behaving gallery owner, Valentin(Genevieve Bujold), as a favor for the wealthy Nathalie De Ville(Geraldine Chaplin). His friend, Oiseau (Wallace Shawn)constantly tells Nick that they should head to a new town called Hollywood to seek their fortune and Ernest Hemingway (Kevin J. O'Connor)wanders around in a state of alcoholic cynicism and making quirky observations.   The story, like the period in which the action takes place, is surreal. One scene has one of the dead characters rise from the grave like Houdini, strait-jack, chains and all. The relationship between Nick and Rachel is the heart of the story: Nick doesn't want to trust Rachel because of what she did, but all of his actions throughout the film are a result of Rachel. When he paints the forgeries, he thinks of Rachel's beauty and puts his feelings on canvas. He loves her, but is fighting with the possibility that if he opens his heart to her again, she will break it again. You can see this conflict when he slaps her in front of Stone, yet immediately becomes apologetic. Should he love her, or should he just back off? He clearly does when they share a sexual romp on the bathroom floor while her husband is downstairs.   The entire cast is great, but the best performance comes from O'Connor, who I think is one of the most underrated actors around.   This is a great movie to have if you feel like having a Paris night movie marathon, or just to have fun.   译文(3): 艾伦·鲁道夫的“;现代人;是一部以20世纪20年代法国巴黎为背景的精彩、有趣、扭曲的电影。最重要的故事是尼克、他离家出走的妻子和一个想要获得更高社会地位的冷酷商人之间的三角关系。Nick(Keith Carradine饰)和Rachel(Linda Fiorentino饰)几年前结婚,她放弃了这段婚姻。几年后,她出现在伯特伦·斯通(约翰·龙饰)的怀抱中。在他处理她再次出现的问题时,他还被一位行为不端的画廊老板Valentin(Genevieve Bujold饰)说服制作艺术品赝品,以讨好富有的Nathalie De Ville(Geraldine Chaplin饰)。他的朋友奥伊索(华莱士·肖恩饰)经常告诉告诉,他们应该去一个叫做好莱坞的新城镇寻找财富,而欧内斯特·海明威(凯文·奥康纳饰)则在一种酗酒的愤世嫉俗中四处游荡,并发表古怪的评论。


2024-05-31 13:59:05,最后更新于 1月前




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◎影片时长:126 分钟


◎影片编剧:阿兰·鲁道夫 John 

◎影片主演:基思·卡拉丹 琳达·费奥伦蒂诺 华莱士·肖恩 詹妮薇芙·布卓 杰拉丁·卓别林 凯文·J·奥康纳 尊龙 Charlélie 艾尔莎·瑞雯 Ali 杰拉德·萨尔汀 Antonia Hubert 布鲁克·史密斯 皮埃尔·查侬 蒂莫西·韦伯 Normand Paul Lenie Reynald Danielle Stephanie Louis 




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 13:59:05


  Alan Rudolph's "The Moderns" is a wonderful, funny and twisted film set in 1920's Paris, France. The front burner story is a triangle between Nick, his runaway wife and a cold as ice businessman that wants to obtain a higher social status. Nick(Keith Carradine)and Rachel(Linda Fiorentino)were married years ago and she bails out of the marriage. Years later, she shows up on the arms of Bertram Stone (John Lone). While he deals with her reappearance, he is also talked into making art forgeries by a rather shady behaving gallery owner, Valentin(Genevieve Bujold), as a favor for the wealthy Nathalie De Ville(Geraldine Chaplin). His friend, Oiseau (Wallace Shawn)constantly tells Nick that they should head to a new town called Hollywood to seek their fortune and Ernest Hemingway (Kevin J. O'Connor)wanders around in a state of alcoholic cynicism and making quirky observations.

  The story, like the period in which the action takes place, is surreal. One scene has one of the dead characters rise from the grave like Houdini, strait-jack, chains and all. The relationship between Nick and Rachel is the heart of the story: Nick doesn't want to trust Rachel because of what she did, but all of his actions throughout the film are a result of Rachel. When he paints the forgeries, he thinks of Rachel's beauty and puts his feelings on canvas. He loves her, but is fighting with the possibility that if he opens his heart to her again, she will break it again. You can see this conflict when he slaps her in front of Stone, yet immediately becomes apologetic. Should he love her, or should he just back off? He clearly does when they share a sexual romp on the bathroom floor while her husband is downstairs.

  The entire cast is great, but the best performance comes from O'Connor, who I think is one of the most underrated actors around.

  This is a great movie to have if you feel like having a Paris night movie marathon, or just to have fun.

  译文(3): 艾伦·鲁道夫的“;现代人;是一部以20世纪20年代法国巴黎为背景的精彩、有趣、扭曲的电影。最重要的故事是尼克、他离家出走的妻子和一个想要获得更高社会地位的冷酷商人之间的三角关系。Nick(Keith Carradine饰)和Rachel(Linda Fiorentino饰)几年前结婚,她放弃了这段婚姻。几年后,她出现在伯特伦·斯通(约翰·龙饰)的怀抱中。在他处理她再次出现的问题时,他还被一位行为不端的画廊老板Valentin(Genevieve Bujold饰)说服制作艺术品赝品,以讨好富有的Nathalie De Ville(Geraldine Chaplin饰)。他的朋友奥伊索(华莱士·肖恩饰)经常告诉告诉,他们应该去一个叫做好莱坞的新城镇寻找财富,而欧内斯特·海明威(凯文·奥康纳饰)则在一种酗酒的愤世嫉俗中四处游荡,并发表古怪的评论。


  {乐文影视为您整理了电影《辉煌时代》的相关资讯,《辉煌时代》于美国上映,是一部由导演阿兰·鲁道夫 导演执导,阿兰·鲁道夫 John 担任编剧,基思·卡拉丹 琳达·费奥伦蒂诺 华莱士·肖恩 詹妮薇芙·布卓 杰拉丁·卓别林 凯文·J·奥康纳 尊龙 Charlélie 等演员精彩演绎的美国电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上乐文影视(www.xmuvrc.com),本网站同时也提供《辉煌时代》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


